By repurposing sidestreams from cows’ mouths into meat alternatives:
we remove greenhouse emissions caused by animal agriculture
we provide affordable nutrition for a growing population.
Planetarians makes better meat than bulls
One-third of crops grown end up wasted. Imagine an orange.
To eat it, you have to peel it…and the peel goes to waste.
Dumped into landfills, it emits greenhouse gases.
Fed to animals, it emits methane, which is even worse.
Planetarians developed a way to replicate those by-product streams into affordable nutrition.
Is it good? It’s great!
10 times cheaper than beef, five times cheaper to make produce than chicken.
More protein than beef (24%) + fiber of an apple (6%).
Great meaty texture (72% consistent acceptance rate).
High protein quality (PDCAAS 82%).
Whole ingredients, clean label.
By launching our first facility, we proved cost at scale.
By selling to schools, we proved that we can sell on par with chicken and be profitable.
Supported by corporate (AB InBev, Barilla) and deep tech investors (SOSV, TechStars), we are poised to make tectonic changes in the food industry and reverse climate change.