By repurposing unavoidable
co-products, we enable planetary changes

Unavoidable co-products accompany every food manufactured

Selling it as animal feed is preferred. Companies are paid. Animal farming gives us milk and meat, which we all love. But animals release carbon dioxide emissions, warming the planet.

Dumping co-products in landfills or composting requires companies to pay for transportation and storage, still causing emissions...

Planetarians transforms co-products into delicious food products

We minimize the number of ingredients on the list by selecting co-products with complimentary nutritional profiles. By matching co-products of the food and beverage industries, we deliver premium flavor profiles without additives. And by cooking with a proprietary version of high moisture extrusion technology, we make meat with muscle-like texture in one step.

Patented (US 11,412,759, US 11,464,243).

Removed carbon emissions astonish the imagination

A life cycle assessment study shows Planetarians technology removes 32 kg CO2 eq. per every kg of meat manufactured.